THE HARLEY WORKS - WE RULE!!!ated  March 14 2
Diary of a Doll

20Diary of a Doll20

June 3, 2007    

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Morgan and Adele III

Morgan:  Man, what was that all about?  Next plan in order.  Show concern.

Morgan:  Maybe I should go inside.  Adele, everything okay in there?  Need any help?
Adele (teary): Yes, everything is fine (sniff). No, no I'm fine really.  I'll be out in a sec.

Morgan:  Okay.  Hmm! Good sign.  She sounded a bit emotional though.
Maybe things aren't going well with her and Deadbeat.

Morgan:  Still, I wonder why the long wait.  Lord, I pray things are okay with Adele.
I do still care for her.  She's the girl after my own heart.  If it is for us to marry we will.
If not, then it isn't in the cards for us.  I need to focus on a relationship with you first though.

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