Illusions by Dolla
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Cobrah - Biker Granny
Biker Sistas Series #2

Cobrah was originally a twist-n-turn Barbie.  Her vinyl head was recolored and placed on an Olympic body.  She has a full facial repaint and rerooted hair.  Her hair was permed and styled into a cute curly bush ball.  

She is No. 2 in the Biker Sistas series.

A metallic pink jacket, zebra print metallic biker shorts and black tights is the attire for the day.  She also carries a matching metallic pink purse.  

Here she is showing off her black halter top and funky pink shoes.  After all, she's a Granny (hense the shoes).


Surprise!!! Cobrah is Harley's Mom.  Here she is on her way for a visit.

"Shhhhh, please don't tell Harley about the halter.  Don't I look phat for a Granny?  I know.  Alright now, don't hate.  Ha!"