To Do or Not to Do
Is this the question or the answer?


November 13, 2006

I hope everyone is well blessed.  I read a chapter in the bible today and it sure opened my eyes wider.  I thought I would share it with you because it is sooooooo good.  You may have already read it and understood it this way.  I sure didn't.

I always took a particular scripture to mean don't judge people based on things they do or don't do.  For instance, "Why in the world did she do that?" or "He knows he was supposed to have done this" or "I can't believe he/she.... yaddie yaddie yaddie.....

Somewhere in the bible it does refer to that type of judgment.  Today, I realized that this particular scripture is talking about judging what we do or don't do based on spirituality.  You know how some people will say, "That person isn't saved because they ......." or "They do thus and such.  No way are they a Christian".

The scripture sounds as though it is talking about food.  It really goes deeper than that.  It is about doing/not doing as opposed to eating/not eating.  In essence, don't judge yourself by what others say is or is not spiritual.  On the other hand, don't judge others by what you think is or is not spiritual.  And foremost, if you know what you do will offend your brother/sister, don't do it when they are around.  Now that sounds easy enough.

Some may say, "You believe this, but your mother believes that.  Your sister believes this and Sister Light Foot believes that.  And... and... and...".  Our different beliefs in what it takes to remain a Christian really doesn't matter.  It is a personal thing. No one person knows everything.  Eat the good and spit out the bad.  As quoted by the late Johnnie Cochran, "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit."  In our case to acquit means "to relieve, as of an obligation".  Do what you know, not what you hear.  Study to show yourself approved. 2 Timothy 2:15 

Most important, is that we all believe the same one most important thing.  What we all must do to be saved.  We must believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  We must say with our mouths and believe in our hearts that He died for our sins and was raised from the dead.  Romans 10:9-10

This passage basically says it all.  <Click here to read>

God Bless. ;-Dolla


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